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Beauty Services Competency Framework - Beauty Services Alliance

Beauty Services Competency Framework

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What is it?

Developed by BSA, the Beauty Services Competency Framework (BSCF) provides key information on sector and employment opportunities, skills and competencies for job roles and career pathways. An industry-led framework supported by Enterprise Singapore and SkillsFuture Singapore, the BSCF is relevant for individuals, employers, training providers and professional bodies across the beauty aesthetics, hair, makeup, nails, spa and wellness sectors.

Who is it for?


who wish to join or progress within the industry can use the Competency Framework to make informed choices on employment opportunities, as well as career development and progression.

Business owners and employers

can refer to the Competency Framework to guide their decision-making process, from recruitment to skills development and talent management.

Education and training providers

can gain insights into sector trends and skills in demand from the Competency Framework to design courses and certifications in line with industry needs. 

Government and professional bodies

can use the Competency Framework to analyse existing gaps and design appropriate initiatives to enhance talent attraction, management and retention.

Job Roles

Spa and Wellness


Beauty Aesthetics



Chat with us to learn more about BSCF

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